Work Experience

International Exposure

China, India, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Tanzania, Senegal, Italy, France, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina

Canada’s Frontier Structural Regions
Fort Liard, NWT – Chinkeh, Mattson, Flett, Nahanni
Central MacKenzie, NWT – Indian River, Kee Scarp and Cambrian
Beaufort Sea, NWT – Tertiary Section
Southeast Yukon – Mattson, Flett and Nahanni
East Coast – Jurassic and Paleozoic Sections

Canadian Foothills
Cardium, Cadomin, Gething, Cadotte, Baldonnel, Triassic, Mississippian, Wabamun, Slave Point

Northeast British Columbia
Bluesky, Gething, Baldonnel, Charlie Lake, Halfway, Doig, Nikanassin, Artex, Kiskatinaw, Montney, Belloy, Debolt, Wabamun, Slave Point, Keg River, and Pine Point

Northwestern Alberta
Montney, Grosmont, Rycroft, Kiskatinaw, Jean-Marie, Slave Point, Sulphur Point, Muskeg and Keg River

Northeastern Alberta
Grand Rapids, Viking, Clearwater, Wabiskaw, McMurray and Keg River

Central Alberta
Gething, Viking, Montney, Ellerslie, Glauconite, Mississippian, Nisku, Wabamun, Leduc, Swan Hills, Gilwood

Peace River Arch
Slave Point, Keg River, Gilwood, Granite Wash

Deep Basin
Cardium, Gething, Cadomin, Fahler, Notikewan, Wabamun, Leduc, Swan Hills

Southern Alberta
Viking, Mannville, Glauconite, Sawtooth, Sunburst, Basal Quartz, Elkton, Pekisko, Shunda, Turner Valley, the Paleozoic unconformity, Nisku, Leduc, Swan Hills  and Granite Wash

McLaren, Waseca, Shaunovon, Birdbear, Winnipegosis, Red River

A multi-faceted geophysical consulting company based in Calgary AB. Canada